Commonly Asked Questions Fre
Q: Could I have a allergic reaction?
A: Everything in our blend is 100% natural & is made for the skin. It is possible to have a reaction with any product. All ingredients are listed so that you can determine sensitivity issues.
Q: Will I break out?
A: The majority of our customers who provided us with feedback did not have a break out. The few that did, continued use & their skin became clear & brighter. (Check our info on purging)
Q: Some oils are said to be safe to ingest...is UO OIL one of these?
A: NO! Do not ingest our products, they are for topical use only.
Q: Is UO OIL & RB safe/good for my hair & scalp?
A: Absolutely!
Q: Can I wear makeup over my UO & RB?
A: Absolutely! We recommend 3-5 drops for day use followed by sunscreen & your normal beauty products.
Q: Do I need to cleanse with anything other than JoJoBa?
A: JoJoBa & a hot wash cloth is perfect. If you wear a lot of makeup, it's sometimes nice to do the cleanse twice.
Q: Can I use other skincare products with UO & RB?
A: You can. Our mission with starting this adventure was to let people know that you don't need anything else... give it a try.
Q: Is UO, JoJoBa, and RB safe for rosacea?
A: We have had great feedback from customers with this skin condition. We recommend when washing with JoJoBa to remove with a cool washcloth with a patting motion rather than scrubbing so not to aggravate.
Q: Can I use the oils on my eyes/lashes?
A: JoJoBa can be used directly on the eyes/lashes to cleanse & remove makeup. UO & RB should be used around the eye area.